I wish this post were about something more positive, but there is thievery afoot in the garden and the issue must be addressed—vegetables have been disappearing from our garden beds over the last two weeks and the evidence points to theft by critters of the two-legged kind.
Students, staff, and volunteers work hard to plan and install projects in the garden, and nothing makes a gardener's heart sink faster than to walk into the garden, full of anticipation, only to find that the (sometimes literal) apple of their eye has vanished without a trace. With that in mind, I respectfully ask that any person reading this who witnesses any unusual or suspicious activity in the WGHS GOLD gardens while on or near campus take note of the suspisious person or persons and report the activity to either the school administration or, if it is after hours, to SJPD. While we want to keep the garden an open space for all visitors to enjoy, it is also important that all who enter and use this space do so with the understanding that organisms and structures in the gardens should only be adjusted or modified by or with permission of the lawful owners or assignees of the lawful owners—in this case the legal owner of all real property in the gardens is San Jose Unified School District.
Many kind thanks to our generous followers who we know always have the students' and gardens' best interests at heart.